I hope I'm linking this correctly. If you have any trouble with a link, please let me know. ~CathyA Giveaway That Keeps on GivingDo you know that one in every three women has had an abortion? In fact, 43% of women of child-bearing age have this secret. And I don't use the term "secret" lightly. While there is certainly a multitude of unbelieving women out there that tote this secret sadness in their hearts, there are as many BELIEVING women - FORGIVEN, SAVED WOMEN in YOUR CHURCH - who are walking around unhealed. Why? Because they are paralyzed by shame and fear at the thought of surrendering their secret.
You may remember my mentioning
Pat Layton, my friend, and the founder of
A Woman's Place Ministries in Tampa, Florida. With first-hand experience, she intimately understands the fear and heartache that surrounds women, post-abortion. After she was saved, she looked for material to help her and others heal, but there was none. So, she and God wrote a study that was used for 20 years at her crisis pregnancy center. This year,
Surrendering the Secret was released in DVD form by
Lifeway, in response to the thousands of hurting women that flooded the altar for prayer in this area, after each of their large events.
While I, personally, have never experienced this heartbreak, I know a LOT of women who have. I bet you do, too. The effects are so far-reaching. As you can imagine, with this situation often being shrouded in secret, even if a woman knows about this study and longs for healing, she's not likely to buy it herself. This is why our churches - EVERY ONE OF THEM - need to have a copy. This is where our giveaway comes in - a chance to win one for YOUR CHURCH!
God has recently impressed upon me that we, the blog community, can partner with Lifeway and Pat, to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in this area of secret pain. Just as He multiplied the five loaves to feed thousands (
Mark 6:41-44), I'm believing that He will do the same with this giveaway of the Surrendering the Secret study. So, here it is:
Five (5) Winners
One (1) DVD Leader Kit (including DVD study, leader guide and one member book) PER WINNER
Twelve (12) Member Books PER WINNER
HERE to watch the promo video of the study.
Giveaway will run through Sunday, October 12th - WINNERS ANNOUNCED MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH (per
Because it is my heart that the word get out to as many churches and people as possible, I'm going to give you two chances to win:
Leave a comment
Link the giveaway in a post on your own blog, then leave a SECOND comment, including the link to your post. This is NOT about blog promotion, but about spreading the word of healing!Other ways to get involved:
Tell your church about the study and work toward getting a copy
purchased for their use, if you don't win.
Encourage your pastor to discuss abortion from the pulpit and include it in the sins mentioned from the pulpit that are forgiven through Christ. There are MANY women who walk away from a sermon feeling like their sin is unforgivable, simply because it's never mentioned.
Pat to come and speak to your women's group and/or leadership about ministering to women in crisis, or to train your leaders to present this study.
Consider donating financially.
Join me in thanking God in advance for what He will do! Praise Him that He will multiply this small mustard seed of faith into a great movement of healing across our nation.
You can make a difference for someone else who is hurting - maybe even for yourself.
In His marvelous love,
Melinda's blog - Please visit her blog to enter!)
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11