I appreciate a good website and a place where info can be easily shared (this is one of the things I really like about blogger.com). There is a new site that I highly recommend to anyone who is in a group (in my case it's bible study groups, but it could be any type of group) and wants an easy way to communicate and share with each other.
Here's what the site says:
Qlubb is a free, easy-to-use online group site. With online rsvp, sign-up sheets, custom URL, file/photo sharing, auto reminders and much more, Qlubb is the easiest way to organize and manage your group's events, activities and members. It's perfect for school classrooms, scout troops, sports teams, book clubs, hobbyists, religious groups, families, etc!
I set my site up for my Sunday school group and my Wednesday bible study group (I guess I could have set up different ones for each group...maybe later - we'll see if they sign up!). I'm thinking about setting one up for my Celebrate Recovery team, as well.
If you're in the market for an online gathering place where all members can be involved, this is the place to go! www.qlubb.com
You'll be wanting to thank me, I just know it. So, You Are Welcome!
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